Enter the vault. Inside you will find moldy tomes that trace the very beginnings of Night Shift, the daily comic.
Einstein said space was curved. And may we all the right places. This is the comic that proves that theory...
It's here! The comic that makes Sartre look profound. That makes Tolstoy look wordy. That makes James Joyce look incoherent. Higher education is bizarre enough as it is, it didn't need this.
POGO STICK: A TELEPHONE IMPROV (With various collaborators)
An improv comic, started Wed. Oct 3rd, 2001. I did a panel, then Michael did one, and so on. Eventually a huge raft of collaborators came on board; it ended after a year and six months with Panel #100.
POGO 2: THE CRADLE OF POGO (With various collaborators)
Our second "Telephone Improv" (Started May 2003) doesn't actually have anything to do with Pogo Sticks, but what the hell. This one features several continuous pages by each artist, so it's a little less psychotic. And more sporadically updated. LATEST PAGE
Lancelot was my first, somewhat ill-advised attempt at a regular comic on my part. For the sake of historical interest, I present the 10 pages I managed to complete before moving on to better things. The pitch: "As King Arthur's Camelot begins to decay, sinister forces convene to snuff out the light of civilization forever. The disgraced Lancelot, once the mightiest of knights, rides home from banishment to save it--but will he be in time?"
This is a twisted tale of the Canadian Dream. I bet you didn't know there was one, did you? It's kind of on hiatus for a while while I work on the 10,000 other projects I'm adding to the site...but unlike "Lancelot", I do plan to return to this one someday.