Dramatis Personae

Amazon Space Rangers is a show enjoyed by Harry, Wendell & Roberto of "Night Shift"; you can see their adventures three times a week HERE.

Captain TrishPatricia Marvelle ASSIGNATION: Captain, Navigator, Disciplinarian AGE: 25 HEIGHT: 6' 1" HAIR: Blonde EYES: Blue SIGN: Aries TURN-ONS: Adrenaline, obedience, FTL drives TURN-OFFS: Sloppiness, condescension, red tape (if not used as a fashion accessory)

Lieutenant Roz Rosanna Sweetling ASSIGNATION: Weapons Expert, Medical Officer, Bad Girl AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 6' 2" HAIR: Black EYES: Brown SIGN: Scorpio TURN-ONS: Kicking ass, rocking out, chowing down TURN-OFFS: Rules, insufficient backup, spiders

Lieutenant Missy Melissa St. Clair ASSIGNATION: Chief Engineer, Inventor, Ingenue AGE: 18 HEIGHT: 5' 11" HAIR: Red EYES: Green SIGN: Virgo TURN-ONS: Technology, high IQs, the stunning beauty of the infinite cosmos TURN-OFFS: Poor design, impoliteness, uniforms that don't hold up to strain

Sapper-9 ASSIGNATION: Helper-bot, Liason, Whipping boy, Hanger-on. A small, very odd hovering critter who's programmed to help the Amazons and liase with Theglo. He's been programmed with the most effective subroutine available to ensure loyalty: he's in love with them.

The Mysterious Mr. Theglo Fraxx ASSIGNATION: Head Honcho The Amazons' enigmatic boss-creature. He's only ever been seen by them as a hologram. What's his agenda? Why do the Amazons work for him? And is he wearing bunny slippers offscreen? I suspect he is...

Captain Crash Landerson ASSIGNATION: Space Hero, Glory Hound, Thorn in Side Working for the same agency as the Amazons, Gary "Crash" Landerson gets more credit and fame than they do. And yet his most successful cases usually involve sticking close to the Amazons. Hmm. Well, he did insist on a rocket pack and a really big gun...wonder if he's compensating for something.

Lagash ASSIGNATION: Unknown. Who is this guy?
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